What are the differences between safety and ordinary footwear? - MooseLog

What are the differences between safety and ordinary footwear?

There are many differences between footwear created for safety purposes and those made for other things. Upon donning a pair of safety shoes, you’ll quickly notice they are noticeably heavier than most shoes you’ve probably worn. That is for a few reasons. 

Thicker outsoles made of durable rubber mean that you’re protected from underfoot hazards, but the thicker material adds to the weight of the shoe. 

Sole plate attached with the outsole with the function of puncture resistance also adds weight to the shoe.

Safety shoes also contain a composite or steel toe cap, which increases the weight but protects your feet from weight or impact from the top or front of the shoe. 

The final factor that may increase the weight and feel of a safety shoe in comparison to a normal shoe is the thicker upper materials. Normal shoes typically use cloth or mesh for their uppers, but safety footwear usually uses a thicker, more temperature-controlled leather material. 

Many people are thrown off by the weight and unique feeling of safety shoes. Getting used to the feeling is of paramount importance for feeling comfortable on your worksite. If you’re looking for a comfortable pair of work shoes to get started with, check out our Industrial Boots Collection. 

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